Anaxos was founded in 1999 in the funky part of Austin, Texas, back when restaurants on South Congress served Shiner beer instead of prickly pear–infused craft margaritas. (Both are fine; we don’t judge here.)
Our Company
For decades, Anaxos has created educational and reference materials for companies large and small. We have written all kinds of tests, test prep books, textbooks, and a host of other titles. Our network of writers spans the globe; our breadth of expertise is not that expansive, but it’s close.
If your project involves words, Anaxos can help.
Online Databases
While Anaxos has covered many topics over the years, ranging from fashion to nursing to warfare, our specialty is business writing. We have produced corporate biographies for more than 4,000 firms, in the United States and abroad, and we have also written extensively about hundreds of specific industries. Whatever the scale, Anaxos can handle any business information project you might have.

Content Marketing

Great brands have compelling stories, and we are expert bards. For instance, this derelict building was once a meat processing facility; plans were made to convert the space into a restaurant specializing in plant-based proteins. Before coronavirus put this project on hold, Anaxos was primed to chronicle this transformation across a variety of channels. When it comes to content marketing, we can help you define your company and brand through articles, posts, videos, and anything else you might require.

Educational Materials
Originally a textbook company, Anaxos still creates educational content for publishers, as well as schools and districts seeking K-12 materials that help them improve their remote learning capabilities. We have provided items as simple as basic vocabulary quizzes and as intricate as animated videos illustrating how viruses infect healthy cells.
Contact Us
Drew D. Johnson, President
Anaxos, Inc.
1013 East Walnut, Suite 200
Columbia, MO 65201

Typically based in Austin, Anaxos is currently headquartered in mid-Missouri. As this photo attests, it’s not a bad place to be during a pandemic.